Tips on Selecting the Best Toothpaste for You

Regularly brushing your teeth is vital for your dental health. However, there are so many different brands and types of toothpaste available on the market it can be challenging to know which one is right for you. To help make selecting toothpaste easier, let’s take a look at the main kinds and how they benefit your teeth.

Fluoridated Toothpaste

Many consider fluoride as the most important toothpaste ingredient. It has been proven to decrease tooth decay and reduce the prevalence of cavities since its discovery. This naturally-occurring mineral has been so beneficial for oral health that governments have added it to water supplies throughout several parts of the world, including the United States.

The reason why fluoride is so vital for proper oral hygiene is that it can help prevent the deterioration of tooth enamel. Enamel is calcified tissue that acts as a protective cover for teeth. Enamel is incapable of repairing damage on its own because it does not contain living cells. Fluoride helps combat decay by making enamel more resistant to acids and other substances that negatively affect tooth structure.

Tartar Control Toothpaste

If you’re choosing toothpaste for the sake of oral hygiene, consider purchasing toothpaste designed to control tartar. This variety of toothpaste utilizes chemical compounds or antibiotics to prevent the buildup of tartar, which is a hardened layer of bacteria called plaque. Some kinds of toothpaste also limit the growth of the hard deposits on the crowns and roots, known as calculus.

Whitening Toothpaste

Not all toothpaste whiten teeth; the varieties made to do so are specific teeth-whitening toothpastes. The abrasive particles added to these pastes help make teeth brighter by binding to the stains on your teeth and then pulling them off as you brush and rinse. While teeth-whitening toothpaste does not contain any dangerous additives like bleach, the chemicals responsible for removing stains, such as calcium peroxide and carbamide peroxide, can be harmful after long-term use or for those with sensitive teeth.

Toothpaste for Tooth Sensitivity

Individuals who have sensitive teeth should take that into consideration when choosing toothpaste. Toothpastes for tooth sensitivity can help prevent discomfort from acidic, cold, or sweet foods. Through chemicals like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, tooth-sensitive toothpaste shields the nerve pathways of teeth.

Choosing a Toothpaste

Selecting the right toothpaste boils down to your personal preferences and needs, such as whether you have sensitive teeth or want to brighten your smile. While asking your dentist which types of toothpaste are best for you, there are some varieties you should steer clear of.

Those that do not have the seal of approval from the American Dental Association, or ADA, may have higher levels of chemicals that can harm your teeth. Additionally, be wary of Triclosan in tartar-control toothpaste; this antibiotic can also kill the good bacteria that help with digestion.

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