7 Surprising Ways Smiling Can Improve Your Health

There are tons of health benefits to showing your pearly whites, even when a smile doesn’t always come naturally to you. At Center City Emergency Dentist, we offer Philadelphia patients the dental veneers, braces and other dental work that they need to feel confident in their smiles and enjoy those benefits.

For example, you might be surprised to find out that smiling can…

Lower Your Heart Rate

Smiling will slow your heart rate and can even temporarily lower your blood pressure. This puts less stress on your body and reduces your long-term risk of heart disease.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Smiling reduces levels of stress-enhancing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. It also releases endorphins, which lower your anxiety, improve your mood and raise your motivation. That low heart rate may also help to relax you!

Increase Productivity

With lower stress and a better mood, you will be more productive at work. Positivity is linked to greater creativity, problem-solving and collaboration. Smiling and laughing also make it easier to see the humor in challenging situations.

Improve Sports Performance

Many athletes use periodic smiling to relax while performing. Research suggests that smiling reduces athletes’ perception of effort and even helps them use less energy, which allows them to push their performance to new heights.

Boost Your Immune System

Did you know that laughing and smiling can stimulate your immune system? A good belly laugh will release molecules in your brain that fight stress and illness.

Promote Longevity

If you want to live longer, then eat right, exercise more and share your smile with the world! A study by Wayne University found that people who smile more live an average of seven years longer than their peers

Relieve Pain

If you’re anticipating pain, don’t frown — it may hurt more. The endorphins that are released by a smile work as a natural painkiller that increases your body’s tolerance for discomfort.

Smile More: It’s Good For You!

If you are unhappy with your teeth, then you might be too embarrassed to smile and enjoy these fantastic benefits. Contact us today to ask about our Center City Philadelphia location’s dental implants and other cosmetic dentistry options. We promise that you will leave our office smiling!

6 Ways You Can Save Money at the Dentist


Roughly 1 in 10 Americans are afraid of the dentist, but many more people are fearful of the bill that comes afterward. At Center City Emergency Dentist, we believe that oral health is a vital component of your overall well-being and should never be ignored. That’s why we offer affordable services like oral surgery, cosmetic dentistry and Invisalign for teens to Philadelphia residents.

Don’t skip out on your next check-up because you’re worried about paying too much. Instead, use these six tips to save money on the services that you need.

Brush up on Your Oral Hygiene

With excellent oral hygiene, you can prevent 90% of dental cavities. Brush and floss twice a day, and use antibacterial mouthwash to resist plaque and tartar build-up. You might also want to eat more tooth-healthy foods like leafy greens, yogurt and apples.

Come in for Regular Check-Ups

It is vital that you go to your regular check-up. Preventative care like deep cleanings, examinations and X-rays stop small issues from turning into severe tooth and gum problems. Additionally, your dentist will examine your mouth for signs of oral cancer.

Sign Up for an Insurance Plan

If you have the opportunity to get dental insurance, then the upfront price will save you a lot in the long run. Many insurance plans provide crucial preventative care for free and will cover more than 50% of the cost for complex treatments like root canals.

Join a Dental Savings Plan

A dental savings plan connects you to a network of dentists who offer discounted services to members. You can save up to 50% on your visit — but you do need to pay an annual fee of $80 to $200.

Make a Plan to Tackle Treatments Slowly

Sometimes, non-urgent dental treatments can be delayed for a little while. Your dentist will help you to decide what has to be done right away, what can be covered with a temporary fix and what can wait for now.

Ask About Payment Options

At Center City Emergency Dentist, we offer cost-effective plans and financing options so that you can receive the treatment that you need. We encourage you to talk to our dentists about how we can help you afford emergency dental care, wisdom teeth removal or Invisalign for adults in our Philadelphia office. Just give us a call at 215-315-7691 today!


3 Ways to Make Flossing with Orthodontic Work Easier

Do you floss your teeth every day? If you said no, you’re like most Americans. A whopping 75% of men and women do not floss daily, and 20% do not floss at all. Braces-wearers may floss even less, as the metal brackets and wires often become a hassle when it comes to oral hygiene.

If you’ve been skipping the dental floss, you may be doing more harm to your health than you think! Read on to learn a few tips for flossing from the best orthodontist in Philadelphia.

  • Choose waxed floss. Floss that is not waxed often shreds in the mouth, which can get stuck to metal braces. Look for floss that advertises a waxy coating. This type of floss will be able to slip and slide through braces without getting caught and causing annoying strings to be left behind.
  • Use a flossing tool. One reason why braces wearers report flossing less often is that it is much more difficult to floss between brackets. Getting the floss into the space between the wire and the tooth can feel like threading a needle over and over again! Orthodontic threaders are an inexpensive and convenient way to make flossing simple. Many orthodontic offices even give them away for free in-office.
  • Help younger children. If you have a small child with orthodontic wear, you will likely have to help him or her floss, as kids do not yet have the dexterity to handle the task on their own. Have your child sit or kneel, and put on their favorite television show to help them sit still while you floss for them.

If you opt for Invisalign in Philadelphia, you can simply remove your trays while flossing and brushing your teeth, making it a simpler option when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

Remembering to floss every day, brushing twice a day, and heading to Center City Emergency Dentist for regular checkups will help you have a happier, healthier smile when it comes time to remove your braces!

3 Myths about Orthodontics Busted

Though orthodontic treatments can benefit nearly everyone with an imperfect smile, Center City Emergency Dentist has found that there are a few myths floating around that stops adults from seeking the help that they need. Read on to learn the truth behind three common orthodontic myths!

  • Myth: Orthodontics are just for teens. There’s a pervasive myth in our culture that dictates that adults simply don’t need orthodontic treatment. After all, when you imagine someone with braces, your mind probably automatically produces a picture of an awkward teenager! However, the truth is that many adults benefit from orthodontic services in Philadelphia along with teenagers and children. According to data from the American Association of Orthodontics, over 1.4 million adults are currently benefiting from orthodontic care, and that number is rising every day. Orthodontics certainly aren’t just for teens!
  • Myth: Orthodontics are way too expensive to afford. If you’ve been hesitating to visit your local orthodontist because you are afraid that you won’t be able to pay your bill, you should know that the best orthodontists in Philadelphia offer financing and payment plans to help you get the service you need at an affordable price. For example, we at Center City Emergency Dentist offer flexible payment plans for orthodontic services, so you won’t have to sacrifice your oral health to pay your rent.
  • Myth: Orthodontics are just for cosmetic fixes. When most people think about orthodontics, they usually imagine the use of braces to fix issues like overcrowding or shifted smiles. While orthodontics are certainly used for cosmetic purposes, there is much more to orthodontics than what you can see on the surface level. Straighter teeth can result in better oral hygiene by providing an easier canvas to brush and floss on, as well as make it easier to bite and chew without pain or discomfort.

Have you had a preconceived notion about orthodontic treatment busted today? Don’t go another day without getting the help and treatment that you need. Call our team at Center City Emergency Dentist today at 215-315-7691 for more information today!

Are Invisalign Straighteners as Good as Traditional Braces?

The cliché image of an awkward teenager in massive metal brackets is dead. Now, anyone looking to straighten their smile has a new option that doesn’t require cement or wires: Invisalign.

Invisalign, available at Center City Emergency Dentists in Philadelphia, uses computer-generated trays that can be removed to correct orthodontic issues over time. Many wearers appreciate the fact that they can still eat their favorite foods by removing their trays, something that is not possible with metal braces.

As the popularity of Invisalign treatments grows, one question has come to the forefront of the minds of both consumers and orthodontists alike: is this new treatment as effective at correcting alignment and bite issues as its metal counterpart?
The common perception by consumers is that metal braces are harsher than clear retainers like Invisalign. This can lead to the perception by both dental professionals and consumers that metal braces are better at correcting orthodontic issues than Invisalign.

However, this is not actually true. According to a consumer report published by the FDA, invisible correction treatments were just as effective at correcting issues of misalignment and spacing as metal braces except in the most severe cases.

The discrepancy in effectiveness when comparing metal braces and Invisalign is due to how they are worn. Statistics indicate that metal braces wearers typically see their issues corrected in less time on average, but this is usually due to Invisalign wearers removing their trays for too many hours a day.
The bottom line? While metal braces may be better for the most severe and complicated of orthodontic cases, Invisalign treatments are just as effective at correcting most cases of dental misalignment as traditional options.

If you’re concerned about the look of metal braces or you want to avoid injuries associated with wires and brackets, Invisalign treatments in Philadelphia can straighten your smile just as well as braces in most cases. Just make sure you’re wearing them every day, ideally 22 hours a day.

If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign, our team here at Center City Emergency Dentists is here to help. Give us a call at 215-315-7691 to learn more!

3 Ways Invisalign Can Give Your Your Best Year Yet

For a long time, the only option that people looking to straighten their smiles had was traditional metal braces. Many avoided getting the orthodontic services that they needed to be the best version possible of themselves or correct dental issues because they did not like the way that traditional braces look.

Finally, there’s a solution that can help you make 2018 the year that you finally get the smile you’ve been dreaming of without metal braces: Invisalign from Center City Emergency Dentist! Three benefits of getting Invisalign include:

  • “Invisible” look. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign uses clear aligners custom-fitted to your teeth. Using Invisalign, you can avoid the bulky appearance of metal braces and get the straighter teeth you want in 2018!
  • Improved comfort. Though traditional metal bracket braces have made massive improvements in the last few years, everyone who has had them will tell you that the endless tightening and rubber bands can be a recipe for serious discomfort. Invisalign braces don’t use brackets, and you can take them out when you want to eat something sticky.
  • Higher confidence. When you are confident in your radiant smile, you frown less and speak up more. Invisalign can give anyone an injection of confidence by allowing them to slowly work towards the straighter smile they’ve been dreaming of. If you want to make 2018 your most confident year yet, Invisalign can get you started on the right path.

At Center City Emergency Dentist, a leading Philadelphia implant dentistry, we handle a lot more than just emergencies; we also provide you with the orthodontic services that you need to make 2018 (and your smile!) a whole lot brighter.

Call us today at 215-315-7691 to make an appointment at our cosmetic dentistry in Center City Philadelphia today!