The Most Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction by Our Emergency Dentist in Philadelphia

Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures done by our emergency dentist in Philadelphia. While our dentists will do everything they can in order to keep and restore your original tooth, sometimes they just need to be pulled. Here are three common reasons you may experience a tooth extraction in our office:

  • Infection. At the center of your tooth is a hollow space where the nerves and blood vessels of your tooth live. If an infection enters this area, called the pulp, our emergency dentist may need to pull the tooth in order to prevent the spread of the infection. Sometimes, antibiotics or a root canal can also put an end to the infection, but if the infection is bad enough, extraction is the best treatment.
  • Fractures. If your tooth breaks in such a way that it cannot be capped or otherwise cosmetically restored, pulling it is the best option. This will allow the emergency dentist to replace the fractured tooth with a dental implant and prevent the risk of infection or bone loss in the jaw.
  • Severe gum disease. Your gums are the support structure for your teeth, but if the gums become so diseased they can no longer support your tooth, it will need to be removed.

While no one looks forward to tooth extraction, it can alleviate the pain you are experiencing in a dental emergency and allow our emergency dentists to begin healing and repairing your teeth. We will make the procedure as comfortable as possible. If you are experiencing tooth pain or suspect you need a tooth removed, make an appointment with our emergency dentist today. We offer same day services!

Why Dental Implants Could be the Solution for Your Mouth

Years ago, if you were missing teeth the only answer was dentures. You had to clean and maintain dentures, which were often hard to properly fit, and you lived in fear that your dentures would slip or fall out while you were trying to talk, eat, or laugh. Dental implants have come a long way in recent years, and today they are a great option for those who are missing teeth and want to restore the look of their smile. The benefits of dental implants are long-lasting, they are easy to care for, and the procedure to install them in your mouth is quick and virtually painless. Dental implants are for you if…

…you want to prevent bone loss in your jaw from missing teeth

…you want to restore the look of your smile after teeth have been removed or knocked out

…your natural teeth are too damage to be properly repaired

The dentists at Center City Emergency Dentists can help you determine if dental implants are the right choice for your mouth. They will check your bone density to ensure you have the proper bone mass to securely install dental implants. If you are a good candidate, they’ll get you started right away.

Give us a call at 267-421-5379 and make an appointment to talk to a dentist about dental implants. We can offer affordable payment options that allow you to get the dental work that you need even if you don’t have insurance. You can also schedule an appointment online through our website! Get the care, the smile, and the amazing oral health you deserve and start working with us today.

Have Questions for Our Cosmetic Dentist? We Have Answers!

Our cosmetic dentist answers questions all day long for patients and loves doing it! We know that cosmetic dentistry is something people are curious about but aren’t sure if they should invest in. They may have tons of questions about a particular procedure they are interested in, such as bonding, whitening, or dental implants, or they may just want to know what our cosmetic would do to restore the look of their smile. Whatever questions you might have, the cosmetic dentist at Center City Emergency Dentists is here to answer them!

If you have questions that you’d like to get answers to, the best thing to do is to give us a call or contact us through our website. Our team will get you the information that you need about our insurance, payment plans, dental procedures, and appointment availability. If your questions go beyond that, make an appointment! You’ll be able to meet with our cosmetic dentist who can evaluate your dental needs and develop a care plan that will restore the look of your teeth and create a smile that you love to share with the world around you.

You can get in touch with us by calling 215-315-7691 or contacting us through our website. Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you might have. Our team knows that to be comfortable and confident about the dental care you are receiving, you need to have information and be informed about the cosmetic dental work you are receiving. We can’t wait to get you the information you need so you can begin your journey to a better smile!

What Are Veneers And What Can I Expect From My Cosmetic Dentist (or even an Emergency Dentist)?

Not every service requires the services of an emergency dentist. Sometimes dental procedures can be thought out and studied so that you’re getting exactly what you want from acosmetic dentist in Philadelphia, PA.

One of the best ways to protect your teeth is with veneers. While veneers might not be medically necessary, they can make your teeth look amazing and help shape your smile into the one you’ve always wanted.

Veneers are tiny slivers of porcelain that are cemented to you teeth. They protect the tooth and can also shape each individual tooth. In this way they can be a cosmetic alternative to braces, which are really only needed if it’s medically necessary. Veneers are great for:

People whose teeth are more susceptible to staining – Not all people’s teeth react to stains in the same way. Some are just naturally going to have a harder time with stains. Or maybe you’re not going to give up your 15 cups of coffee a day but want to have brighter teeth.

People with deep ridges in their teeth – Some patients teeth have deep grooves on the front, and veneers will bring a thin, smooth surface to wavy teeth.

People who have thin enamel or worn teeth – The enamel, the outermost part of the tooth and the hardest part of the human body, can repair itself from some wear through a process called remineralization. But some people have genetically thin enamel,  some leave too many sugars on your teeth that can break down enamel and lead to cavities. Either way it’s best to help your teeth with veneers.

Misaligned/misshapen – If your teeth are misaligned but there’s no medical reason for braces, veneers might be a great option for filling in the spaces and making it look like the teeth are all heading in the right direction.

Large gaps – There’s only one kind of person who likes large gaps between teeth…caricaturists! It gives them an easy target when they’re drawing your picture at the fair. If your gap is signature to your look (like David Letterman’s), then maybe you don’t want to have this fixed. However, if it’s all you can see when you look in the mirror, you might want to have us fix it.

Veneers are a great option that resolve many problems that can plague teeth and the shape of your smile. Contactour cosmetic dentists to find out all about your options.

Going Under or Staying Awake: The Choice In Anesthesia When Visiting an Emergency Dentist In Philadelphia, PA

After you have a dental procedure, whether it’s with an emergency dentist or not, people will often ask “did they knock you out for that?” People usually want to know in order to gauge just how intense a procedure it was, and how much pain you might have experienced or avoided. Morbid curiosity.

If you’ve never undergone an extensive dental procedure before, you might be asking yourself: what are the advantage and disadvantage of general anesthesia vs. local anesthesia?

Staying awake (local anesthesia)

Benefits – You won’t be as groggy for the rest of the day, and most of the time you can drive yourself home. You’ll also be able to respond should a dentist ask you any questions.

Drawbacks – While you won’t feel the pain with local anesthesia, you can still feel the doctor working. If the procedure lasts too long it can get uncomfortable having your mouth open for such a time.

Going under (general anesthesia)

Benefits – You get knocked out, you wake up and it’s over. If you have extreme anxiety just having a cavity filled, then this might be the only way for you when you have a more extensive procedure.

Drawbacks – You’ll need to have someone drive you home because you’re going to be very tired. Also, because a licensed anesthesiologist must be used, it is more expensive to get general anesthesia.

The most important thing to realize is that you have an emergency dentist in Philadelphia, PA who has seen the pros and cons of each of these and will discuss them with you before the procedure. If you’re in need of restorative dentistry, contact us today.

Your Philadelphia Emergency Dentist Discusses The Truth About Cosmetic Dentistry

Believe it or not, cosmetic dentistry is everywhere in Philadelphia: it’s on the faces of many people you meet, though you may not know it. Your closest friends may have their teeth bleached or bonded. It’s true – if you’re considering cosmetic dentistry in Philadelphia, you are not alone. In fact, studies tell us that people with an attractive smile appear more intelligent, successful, friendly, interesting, and kind while also appealing more to the opposite sex. Cosmetic dentists often cite the transformation in a patient’s self-image as the best thing about their job and that’s very true for us. With a brighter, straighter, shapelier smile, you may find the confidence to pursue relationships, career opportunities, and social engagements that you never thought possible!

Our cosmetic dentistry services include:

Bonding: If you have a chipped, slightly misaligned, or otherwise imperfect tooth that needs cosmetic restoration, we may suggest an one-appointment bonding. We can apply putty-like composite resin, shaded to blend with your tooth’s color, to rebuild a pleasing shape to your tooth. In just one visit you can have a new, beautiful smile!

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening is effective and safe for patients whose teeth have yellow, brown, or orange tinges due to age, food stains, heredity, or tobacco use. The simple procedure requires no anesthesia, and it’s perfectly safe!

Porcelain Veneers: If your front teeth are discolored and stained, chipped, cracked, slightly misaligned, or have metal fillings, consider veneers. Made from thin sheaths of porcelain layered atop each other, veneers can completely cover the front of your teeth to create a perfectly shaped, dazzlingly white, absolutely gorgeous smile. The most modern veneers look completely natural, too.

Whether you need and emergency dentist or are simply interested in cosmetic dentistry, Central City Emergency Dental is here to help you 24-hours a day. Contact us today!