That Tooth That Gave You Subtle Pain Is Suddenly Unbearable…Time To See An Emergency Dentist!

You have a tooth that has been a slight annoyance for the last few months. The pain hasn’t exactly been consistent and you’ve found an added benefit to the sugar sensitivity—you’ve dropped five pounds. The time when you could put off going into dentist, however, has come to a rapid end. Throughout the day this Friday, you have held the pain at bay with over-the-counter pain medicine. This evening, you can’t take it anymore and you cannot get anyone at your regular dentist’s office. It is time for some professional help in the form of and emergency dentist.

Not every general dental office provides emergency dental care alongside their general dentistry practice. It takes a special group to offer. Center City Emergency Dentist provides it all for your convenience. Check our website to see if we take your insurance or if you will need to be self-pay for our care for your painful tooth. We want to help you get pain relief. Call us for an emergency dentist appointment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we will help find and fix the cause of the pain.

As a precaution before appointments, don’t take any aspirin or ibuprofen. They can contain anticoagulants and cause excessive bleeding. Instead, for the pain, take an acetaminophen product. If you have severe pain, find someone to drive you to your dental visit. You can also rinse with warm, clean water or warm salt water to keep your mouth clean. Relax, we’re the emergency dentists who are here to help you resolve your tooth pain.

What To Do When You’re In Need Of An Emergency Dentist

Here at Center City Emergency Dentists, we’re here when you need us the most. Our experienced and compassionate staff is totally dedicated to providing only the highest qualitygeneral dentist and 24 hour emergency dentistservices. We know that an emergency is just that – an emergency – and we’ll make sure you get responsive, efficient, and effective care when you need it.

Did you know that people risk breaking their teeth or otherwise causing injury to their mouth while eating, exercising, playing, or participating in seemingly harmless activities? It’s important to know what to do when you are in need of an emergency dentist.

What is a dental emergency? Dental emergencies can occur when you have a tooth (or teeth) that is broken or cracked, becomes loose, or is knocked out of your mouth completely. From these injuries you can also sustain cuts on your lips, gums, or cheeks. Oral injuries are very painful and should be treated as soon as possible by Center City Emergency Dentists.

If you’ve knocked out a tooth, it’s important that you call us when you need an emergency dentist. As a rule of thumb, the best chance that you have of your tooth surviving the trauma is by seeing us within an hour of the incident. Also handle the tooth by the top of the tooth, the crown, and never by the roots. Touching the roots of your tooth can cause cell damage and may make it impossible to reattach the tooth. Don’t let the tooth dry out, place it in between your gum and cheek, and call us as soon as you can get to a phone.