Why Dental Implants Could be the Solution for Your Mouth

Years ago, if you were missing teeth the only answer was dentures. You had to clean and maintain dentures, which were often hard to properly fit, and you lived in fear that your dentures would slip or fall out while you were trying to talk, eat, or laugh. Dental implants have come a long way in recent years, and today they are a great option for those who are missing teeth and want to restore the look of their smile. The benefits of dental implants are long-lasting, they are easy to care for, and the procedure to install them in your mouth is quick and virtually painless. Dental implants are for you if…

…you want to prevent bone loss in your jaw from missing teeth

…you want to restore the look of your smile after teeth have been removed or knocked out

…your natural teeth are too damage to be properly repaired

The dentists at Center City Emergency Dentists can help you determine if dental implants are the right choice for your mouth. They will check your bone density to ensure you have the proper bone mass to securely install dental implants. If you are a good candidate, they’ll get you started right away.

Give us a call at 267-421-5379 and make an appointment to talk to a dentist about dental implants. We can offer affordable payment options that allow you to get the dental work that you need even if you don’t have insurance. You can also schedule an appointment online through our website! Get the care, the smile, and the amazing oral health you deserve and start working with us today.

Have Questions for Our Cosmetic Dentist? We Have Answers!

Our cosmetic dentist answers questions all day long for patients and loves doing it! We know that cosmetic dentistry is something people are curious about but aren’t sure if they should invest in. They may have tons of questions about a particular procedure they are interested in, such as bonding, whitening, or dental implants, or they may just want to know what our cosmetic would do to restore the look of their smile. Whatever questions you might have, the cosmetic dentist at Center City Emergency Dentists is here to answer them!

If you have questions that you’d like to get answers to, the best thing to do is to give us a call or contact us through our website. Our team will get you the information that you need about our insurance, payment plans, dental procedures, and appointment availability. If your questions go beyond that, make an appointment! You’ll be able to meet with our cosmetic dentist who can evaluate your dental needs and develop a care plan that will restore the look of your teeth and create a smile that you love to share with the world around you.

You can get in touch with us by calling 215-315-7691 or contacting us through our website. Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you might have. Our team knows that to be comfortable and confident about the dental care you are receiving, you need to have information and be informed about the cosmetic dental work you are receiving. We can’t wait to get you the information you need so you can begin your journey to a better smile!

Your Philadelphia Emergency Dentist Discusses The Truth About Cosmetic Dentistry

Believe it or not, cosmetic dentistry is everywhere in Philadelphia: it’s on the faces of many people you meet, though you may not know it. Your closest friends may have their teeth bleached or bonded. It’s true – if you’re considering cosmetic dentistry in Philadelphia, you are not alone. In fact, studies tell us that people with an attractive smile appear more intelligent, successful, friendly, interesting, and kind while also appealing more to the opposite sex. Cosmetic dentists often cite the transformation in a patient’s self-image as the best thing about their job and that’s very true for us. With a brighter, straighter, shapelier smile, you may find the confidence to pursue relationships, career opportunities, and social engagements that you never thought possible!

Our cosmetic dentistry services include:

Bonding: If you have a chipped, slightly misaligned, or otherwise imperfect tooth that needs cosmetic restoration, we may suggest an one-appointment bonding. We can apply putty-like composite resin, shaded to blend with your tooth’s color, to rebuild a pleasing shape to your tooth. In just one visit you can have a new, beautiful smile!

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening is effective and safe for patients whose teeth have yellow, brown, or orange tinges due to age, food stains, heredity, or tobacco use. The simple procedure requires no anesthesia, and it’s perfectly safe!

Porcelain Veneers: If your front teeth are discolored and stained, chipped, cracked, slightly misaligned, or have metal fillings, consider veneers. Made from thin sheaths of porcelain layered atop each other, veneers can completely cover the front of your teeth to create a perfectly shaped, dazzlingly white, absolutely gorgeous smile. The most modern veneers look completely natural, too.

Whether you need and emergency dentist or are simply interested in cosmetic dentistry, Central City Emergency Dental is here to help you 24-hours a day. Contact us today!

Oral Care Mistakes You’re Making That Can Cause Cavities…And Might Lead To A Trip To An Emergency Dentist!

Since 1949, Emergency Dentist has been serving Philadelphia with the distinction that has made us known throughout the city. All of the major hospitals in the Philadelphia center city area come to us first with patients who need the quality services and expertise in restorative dentistry. Today we’re here to talk about common dental mistakes that you may not even realize that you’re making. Remember, you only get one set of choppers, and repair costs more than prevention.

1. Brushing too hard. If you brush too vigorously, you can wear away at your enamel and cause sensitivity and even gum recession. Make sure you have a brush with soft bristles and that when you brush your teeth, you brush in a circular motion and not side to side.

2. Eating too many acidic foods. Acidic foods wear down your tooth enamel, causing sensitivity issues and worse. That’s a problem because that top protective layer of enamel on our teeth never grows back. Some particular culprits are: sodas, orange juice, sports drinks, lemons, wine, and sour gummy candies. If you must have that soda or glass of wine, at least balance the pH in your mouth by drinking water after.

3. You’re whitening your teeth too much. It’s normal to want white teeth, but as we get older our teeth naturally get darker. Excessive whitening will erode your enamel over time.

4. Chasing down hot pizza with a cold drink. We’re all guilty of this! When you bite into a hot pizza, your enamel expands. When you take that drink of cold water or soda, you’re causing your enamel to contract. This creates what is called a craze line – where the enamel cracks and stains appear.

What to Expect After a Visit to Our Emergency Dentist in Philadelphia

A trip to see our emergency dentist in Philadelphia, PA, usually requires some after-care. Our dentists will work hard to restore your oral health while you are in our office, but due to the complexity of the human mouth, you’ll likely need to do some follow-up visits or at-home care to ensure that the health of your teeth, gums, tongue and entire mouth are fully restored. So after your visit to our emergency dentist, what can you expect?

Every patient that leaves our office will know what the “next steps” are for their oral care. Our emergency dentists will explain to you the kind of care you’ll need to do, either in our office or at home, and how to do it properly. That may include oral rinses to inhibit the growth of bacteria and infection, a follow-up visit to our dentists in a few days or weeks, or simply using ice packs and sticking to a liquid diet for a few days. We’ll show you how to do anything you need to do at home, or help you make appointments for follow-up visits. Don’t hesitate to ask our emergency dentists questions about your aftercare; we want to make sure you feel empowered about your oral care and completely understand everything that needs to happen.

Even after you leave our office, you are always welcome to call us with questions. If your symptoms reappear or you start to have new issues, get in touch with our office right away. Our care doesn’t end when you walk out the door; we will continue to answer your question and ensure you are getting the dental care you need. Call us at 267-421-5379 with your questions or concerns or even to make a new appointment with our emergency dental team.

Your Local Emergency Dentist Debunks In Philadelphia Common Dental Care Myths

Here at Center City Emergency Dentists in Philadelphia, PA, our mission is what drives us to excellence, every day: to provide the highest quality of dental care and service and emergency dentist can, treating each patient as a welcomed guest. Although modern dentistry has come a long way, there are still many dental myths that are passed on by word of mouth. Today we’re here to set the record straight and give you the truth about some common dental misconceptions.

1. If there is no visible problem with my teeth, I don’t have to see a dentist. False! Just because your teeth look healthy doesn’t mean that they are. It is never a good idea to skip going to the dentist. You should visit your dentist twice a year for an exam and dental cleaning to make sure that your teeth stay healthy and that any dental problems are treated before they become serious.

2. Brushing my teeth more than once a day can harm my enamel. False! We recommend using a soft toothbrush to avoid being overly rough on gums and teeth. If you do so, you shouldn’t run into any problems brushing twice a day or — if possible — after each meal.

3. I shouldn’t brush my teeth if my gums are bleeding. False! Bleeding gums are often caused when dental plaque or food debris isn’t properly removed by regular brushing and flossing. If you notice that your gums become more prone to bleeding, it is a good idea to thoroughly and gently brush and floss them at least twice a day. If the bleeding continues, we suggest that you schedule an appointment and emergency dentist today!